Spring Holiday Table with Estonian Design. Kevadpüha Eesti disainiga
I'm a big fan of Estonian design and I work with the local artists whenever possible. I guess all creatives desire to be seen and recognized. I'm always happy to show things I like. Of course I encourage everybody to support artists instead of big corporations.
A Easter Table Kids Enjoy. Lihavõttelaud lastele
A parenting magazine Pere & Kodu asked me to set a table for Easter that all family members would like and to include some kids in a photo shoot. Being a mother of a pre-school kid and a childrens' photographer I know that the youngest family member always sets the tone. So you better make that kid really happy.
Valentine's Chocolate Ice Cream
There's still time for some chocolate ice cream!
Client: Oma Maitse magazine
Valentine's Day Boudoir Inspired Magazine Cover
It's about time to grab Oma Maitse from news stand and see inside how many kilograms of chocolate you need in order to survive the Valentine's. I'll give you a little background story and one recipe as a teaser.
A Fresh Start
Hey guys! I'm finally back on track and planning to show you more of my recent work. This is an editorial for Oma Maitse magazine in January. I played with the concept of paper, shadows and edges.
Eesti toit: 10 klassikut
Käimas on Eesti Toidu Kuu ja selleks sai värskendust ka eestitoit.ee veebileht. Pildistasime üles 10 Eesti toidu klassikut. Retseptid - ülaserva menüüst valida 10 klassikut. Kui mahti saan, avaldan oma lehel samuti.
Tellija: Maaeluministeerium
Retseptide koostamine ja teostus: Kertu Lukas (Suhkruingel kondiiter)
Stilistika ja foto: Katrin Press
Stuudio ja rekvisiidid: Nõudepeatus