commercial, food, product Katrin Press commercial, food, product Katrin Press

Joo kraanivett! Kokteilide pildistamine.

Minu ülesandeks oli pildistada selle kampaania kokteilid. Agentuuri soovil pildistasime Butterfly Lounge'is kohapeal, mis oli paras väljakutse, kuna klaasidele kippusid tekkima peegeldused. Uutele klientidele soovitan sedasorti tööd teha stuudios. 

Klient: Tallinna Vesi 

Agentuur: La Ecwador 

Kokteilid: Butterfly Lounge

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commercial, food, food styling, still life Katrin Press commercial, food, food styling, still life Katrin Press

Photographing Ice Cream Desserts

I had a lot of fun (and ice cream) when photographing ice cream desserts for a supermarket chain. Luckily I didn't have to capture the whole setup at once, because it was melting in a blink of an eye. I chose best items from different frames and photoshopped them together. But to show you what the actual work process was like, I made a little slideshow.

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